Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Stifling Status Quo

Actually went out for the first time in weeks rescued from my avalanche of books by a pocket of time and now I can feel the strangle
hold this system has on me and what little of myself that is left, this system of dry emulation and categorization and comparison
that seeks not to innovate but to inundate with qualifications and create space not with substance but with that which defines
its function, a wallflower who gawks and justifies its lack of participation with the dance of life with highfalutin lectures
that call attention to nothing more than words that can only wish to be real. My soul is being sucked moment
by moment so soft and faint I hardly realize it is not my own incompetence but my everlasting prowess
which cannot squeeze and shaped passive by these smothering forces that I seek as a naive convert
seeks absolution through that which only takes and deceives My achievement is a dream,
my room all too well furnished, I blather and stumble my age thickens and coarse
with its leathery carelessness, not I, this is not how it is to be,
no dead arid arrangement can bring me see otherwise
as I ignore and I break and defy and escape
these chains around nothing I laugh
as I feel to be alive is no reason
but with structure no feeling
though once it was said
to have been
what now
Fuck Form
and what it stands for
and all its discrimination
to point and regard for a base of a tyrant
all things made select and come taken if proven
yet forms themselves form nothing and thats why I'm gone.